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Visibility to Profitability 
"Powerfully connect your core messaging to your ideal clients NOW to increase sales"
"Proven 7-Step Method To Show Up Confidently And Powerfully"

Quick message from Debbie -

Dear friend,

My name is Debbie Pace and I am here today to offer to you my "Secret Visibility Formula."

This is the formula that I developed using the same tools and secrets I relied on countless times as a media professional, speaker, firewalker, and so many other experiences that enables you to powerfully deliver your message to your audience. 

I'm a life-long national award-winning journalist and media professional who has been on both sides of the mic and camera in many different scenarios. I've interviewed people from all walks  of life including celebrities, professional sports figures, multi-million-dollar business owners, and so many more.  I condensed my 30 years of experience and training into this introductory package that I' m making available to you for a short time.  So if you are trying to fine tune your messaging to grow your business or your personal brand, you can't afford to miss this opportunity. 

So, how did I go from a career journalist and broadcaster to being a visibility and business coach helping so many others learn to show up powerfully to increase their income and impact?

My own career and path had become empty. I was very successful in what I did, but it really started to feel like a heavy burden that I kept carrying around, I wasn't making the money I really wanted and didn't feel like I had purpose or fulfillment.

And, while going through a very painful divorce and business bankruptcy - at the same time - I knew I needed to make a serious change in who I was and how I showed up in other areas of my life.

I also knew I was here to do something with much larger impact than digging through the underbelly of the financial and political worlds and writing stories about them. My purpose was deeper - and I'm guessing you feel the same way.

So, I became a coach and started down the path of finding my true purpose and creating a business that I loved that also had massive impact.

When I first started my online business, I was amazed at how much entrepreneurs had to show up and present themselves online. This was a big new scary area for so many people. They were offering great products and fantastic services but their messaging was off.

Across the board, I noticed they were only showing their highlight reels and weren't really showing up in a powerful way... and, they definitely weren't reaching their ideal clients.  

As a life-long media professional, showing up powerfully and making impact came naturally to me, but as I began to build my own business helping people with technology overwhelm, I realized that there was a true need to help people fine-tune and effectively deliver their message in a powerful way. 

"I developed my Secret Visibility Formula to help business owners and entrepreneurs find and powerfully deliver their message to connect with their ideal clients and increase sales"
After realizing that there was a need to help people with their messaging, I decided to use my coaching certification and years of provenbroadcasting, journalism and speaking experience to develop programs to help people overcome their fears, fine-tune their messaging and get comfortable in front of the camera. 
TODAY, I'm offering you some of the most powerful tools that were created from those programs that helped clients see amazing results in not only their businesses, but in EVERY area of their lives.

Truth be told, the Secret Visibility Formula can be used in any public setting - whether developing an online and social media presence, creating ads or marketing campaigns, developing an email series to stay in touch with your community, on-stage speaking, being interviewed for a podcast, or even making a sales call - it's THAT powerful!

"The TRUTH about how To Connect Deeply With The Ideal Client and avoid Getting Burned Out Because You're Wearing All the Hats and Not Focusing on the Passion Work that Inspired You to Start Your Business in the First Place"
  • ​Polarize your listeners
  • ​Expand your community
  • ​Speak from your soul
  • ​Increase sales
  • ​Grow revenues
  • ​Expand your presence
  • ​Develop your market
  • ​Create laser-focus messaging
  • ​Show up as an authority
"Follow a simple to use Formula to connect with your audience every time"
If you find yourself online being interviewed or providing content about your business to your online community, this formula is for you!

In the past I only taught people the "Secret Visibility Formula" as part of my larger, more expensive weeks-long course training... but today I wanted to make you a VERY SPECIAL OFFER and give you the entire formula to show you HOW to reach your audience using powerful messaging, and as result, increase your sales and - ultimately - your bottom-line.

ALL For Only $7.00
Yes... for about the price of a caramel mocha frappuccino, you can get access to a formula that's used by media professionals that took me 30 years to perfect... 

YES DEBBIE! Give Me Instant Access To Secret Visibility Formula RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
"It Doesn't Matter What Business You are In... Secret Visibility Formula Will Work For YOU!"
In fact...
"We have people in every market and niche who are using this SAME FORMULA in their own businesses!"
They use it to fine-tune and deliver messaging in everything you can dream of, like:
  • ​Podcast guest
  • ​Podcast interviewer
  • ​Hosting Zoom calls
  • ​Hosting Clubhouse events
  • ​Livestreams
  • ​Social media messaging
  • ​TV and radio appearances
  • ​Ad campaigns
  • ​Email campaigns
  • ​Sales calls
  • ​Blog posts
  • ​Live Events
  • ​Stage speaking
  • ​And so much MORE!
I use this formula to host my own podcast, "The Show UP! Show," which has thousands of downloads and has been heard in 28 countries around the world!

Hear and see the results first-hand and listen to my Show Up Show! podcast where I personally interview guests that tell their story on how they have overcome obstacles to rise up and achieve their dreams!

See what others have said after working with Debbie:

"2 words for you – MIND BLOWN! Why? Because she is the most incredible expert communicator I have ever met, and I stalk Ted Talk speakers for tips and tools like it was my job. Did you know that Debbie worked at a radio station in Guantanamo Bay Cuba? Talk about a lean in moment. Debbie is an incredible communicator, podcast host of The Show Up Show, and author with Journal to Freedom, which I just started reading... [She] helped me have a cosmic AHA moment... If you have some trouble or feeling stuck in your messaging, or just want to speak to someone who is the definition of an expert communicator, y’all need to talk to this woman!" - Margarita

"Just had the most wonderful, generous, illuminating conversation with Debbie Pace who delivered me such massive insights into my WHY. I am stunned! And moved beyond words! Actually to tears. Debbie––you are brilliant! Thank you for making the message so clear! I finally think I get it!!" - Eszter

"I found I am letting the fear of failure hold hands with laziness. Yes laziness was my outcome of the fear. I Know damn well what to do and the fear does not get me so worked up with anxiety but miss lazy appeared to keep me stuck. What a revelation! So this open my eyes to a different perspective of behavior with fear still in picture but it's not working alone! Totally different direction and outcome when I started writing !Boom! " - Lori

When You Get Your Copy Of "Secret Visibility Formula" (For Just $7.00)
You'll Also Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - Mindset Hacks for Stage Fright
"Professional Techniques to easily overcome stage fright"
Total Value: $197
Amazing techniques used by professionals to overcome jitters and focus on the prize when you are in the spotlight and all eyes are on you.
Get This FREE When You Order 'Secret Visibility Formula' Today! 
Bonus #2 - Interview Like a Boss
"Complementary bonus guide that details the art of the interview"
Interviewer or Interviewee, amazing guide and techniques used by professionals to get the most of the experience and to bring to light the true message
Total Value: $197
Get This FREE When You Order 'Secret Visibility Formula' Today! 
Bonus #3 - Perfect Pitch Media Template
"Get a copy of my actual Media Pitch Template"
Amazing techniques used by professionals to overcome jitters and focus on the prize when you are in the spotlight and all eyes are on you.
Total Value: $197
Get This For FREE When You Order 'Secret Visibility Formula' Today! 
Time Is Of The Essence...
This is a LIMITED OFFER at this price...
The Secret Visibility Formula is only being offered during this promotion. It was previously part of  much longer, more expensive course but this value nugget is being offered today because I want you to have this tool as a guide for you to fine-tune your messaging and communicate from your soul to offer the best possible service to your community.  I hope that you choose to take advantage of this offer because it may not be available after today. So act now and click the button below!

YES! Give Me Instant Access To The 'Secret Visibility Formula' RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
  Instant Access To Secret Visibility Formula (Value $197)
  Instant Access To Interview Like A Boss series (Value $197)
  Instant Access To Mindset hacks for stage fright (Value $197)
  Instant Access to Perfect Pitch Media Template (Value $197)
Total Value: $788
Today Just $7
Okay. With that said, I hope you enjoy this formula and hope you use it as a tool to bring you massive success.

I want you to offer this to you today so you can begin to immediately begin to transform your business forever.

Debbie Pace
P.S. Did you just skip to the bottom of the page to see what the deal was? 😊

You get my Secret Visibility Formula and training (instant download), that is the SAME formula I use to promote all of my online services, podcasts and professional engagements! I spent 30 years perfecting this formula which is based on industry standards and used by media professionals. Use it to connect powerfully to your audience to convey the perfect message for anything! Because you are taking part of this limited offer, you will also get my free bonus gifts to help promote yourself and your business.

And best of all it’s only $7. That’s it!

Just click the button below right now to get started! Thanks again,
YES DEBBIE! Give Me Instant Access To 'Secret Visibility Formula' RIGHT NOW For Just $7.00 !
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Checkout
Everything You're Going To Get:
  • Instant Access To Secret Visibility Formula (Value $197)
  • Instant Access To Interview Like a Boss (Value $197)
  • Instant Access to Mindset Hacks for stage fright (Value $197)
  •  Instant Access to Perfect Pitch Media TemplateF (Value $197)
Total Value: $788
Today Just $7

ONE TIME OFFER - Only $17: Want my Perfect Podcast Interview Blueprint AND Quick Start Podcast Resource Guide that outlines all of the tools I use for my Show Up! Show Podcast? I've done all the research for you on the best equipment to use regardless of your budget. Click YES to add this to your order now for just $17! (This offer is not available at ANY other time or place)

Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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